About the minimum and reasonable consumption of food In general, we are talking about the […]
Tag: stop varicose
Varicose veins cannot be completely cured, but they can be significantly improved and the remission period can be prolonged. It is better to avoid wearing tight shoes and socks with tight elastic bands. The exception is supportive therapeutic knitwear. It is also better not to sit cross-legged, as in this case the blood vessels are compressed and the outflow of blood is disturbed.
When sitting for long periods, it is recommended to periodically do simple exercises for the feet, rolling them from heel to toe and back. This stimulates the calf muscles and improves blood circulation.
Heat loads (visiting a bath or sauna) can cause a worsening of the condition.
Simple walking will be beneficial. Therefore, avoid transport, lifts and walking if possible; running and swimming will also be beneficial.
Diet in varicose veins is of considerable importance. Here it is worth reducing the amount of refined and fatty foods consumed. At the same time, increase the number of vegetables, fruits and whole-grain products. Drinking is also important; you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. This will be a good prevention of thrombosis and will make it easier for your blood vessels to function.
You can also find on our website unique nutrient-rich supplements that help the proper functioning of blood vessels and eliminate heaviness in the legs.